Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ill Wind....

The last two days have been especially windy, blowing hard and seemingly in my face, no matter which direction I ride. The wind tests my mettle: the landscape does not change, so the obstacles of hill and turn are relatively constant. The traffic changes but on my route is usually not bad the whole way (touch wood, etc.), and besides, the traffic is just people doing what I'm doing - trying to get somewhere. But the wind is both natural, and I cannot help think, capricious, changeable, and cruel, seeking to thwart my homeward aim. So narcissistic. So vain. I probably think this wind is about me. Ridiculous, right? Well, I thought so, but then tonight I was going easily up a gentle hill near the park and the wind suddenly started up again, pushing me back, but this time on the wind came the smell of freshly frying fish and chips from Hip Hop Fish and Chicken, and Man, does it smell good. I'm huffing and sweating against the wind, now contending with this visceral tugging sensation in my gut. So distracting. An ill wind blowing me no good, indeed.... I get around the corner and suddenly the smell and the wind die down, and I'm no longer being tested, punished. I become expansive, say Hey to folks as I ride by, and find myself smiling a little.

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